darktable page lede image
darktable page lede image

Shortcut Categories

8.11.3. Shortcut Categories

Keyboard shortcuts are categorized so that they can easily be found. The following sections summarize these categories and also list some additional options that are specific to certain categories. global

Shortcuts in this section are applicable to all darktable views. views

A single section is provided for each darktable view. Shortcuts are only applicable to the selected view. processing modules

Shortcuts in this section are only applicable to the ‘processing’ modules in the darktable view (i.e. those modules to the right of the edited image below the histogram and above the ‘module order’ module). A section is provided for each processing module.

common shortcuts

Every processing module provides the following shortcuts by default

  • enable module - enable or disable the module, regardless of whether it is currently visible

  • show module - expand or collapse the module. If the module is not currently displayed on the screen, darktable will switch to an appropriate module group (if applicable) before displaying it

  • focus module - cause the module to receive or lose focus

  • reset module parameters - reset the module to its default state

  • show preset menu - show the presets menu for the module

Shortcuts may be present for any module operation. For comboboxes and sliders, some standard shortcuts are available, as described in the following sections.


All sliders in processing modules can be edited via keyboard shortcuts (regardless of whether the module is currently shown or enabled). The following actions are provided:

  • increase/decrease - separate shortcuts which allow you to increase or decrease the slider by a single step

  • dynamic - a single shortcut that can be used in combination with the mouse scroll wheel to increase and decrease slider values

  • edit -a shortcut to bring up the slider edit dialog within which you may key a value directly or modify the slider with the mouse

  • reset - reset the slider to its default value

In addition, it is possible to modify the coarseness of the increase/decrease operations with a global keyboard shortcut. You can choose between fine, normal and coarse.

When performing increase/decrease and dynamic operations on sliders, if the module is not currently shown, a toast message will appear over the image to indicate the current value of the slider being adjusted.


As with sliders, all comboboxes in processing modules can be edited via keyboard shortcuts. The following actions are provided:

  • next/previous - separate shortcuts which allow you to change to the next or previous entry in the combobox

  • dynamic - a single shortcut that can be used in combination with the mouse scroll wheel to change to the next/previous entry in the combobox

If the end of the combobox values is reached, these shortcuts will cycle back to the beginning of the list. Similarly, if the beginning of values is reached it will cycle to the end.

If the module is not currently shown, a toast message will appear over the image to indicate the current value of the combobox being adjusted.

handling multiple module instances

It is possible to create multiple instances of many processing modules. In this scenario it is not always obvious which instance should be controlled by keyboard shortcut operations. Some additional options are present in the miscellaneous tab of the preferences dialog. These options control rules that are applied (in order) to decide which module instance keyboard shortcuts will be applied to.

  • prefer expanded instances - if instances of the module are expanded, ignore collapsed instances

  • prefer enabled instances - after applying the above rule, if instances of the module are active, ignore inactive instances

  • prefer unmasked instances - after applying the above rules, if instances of the module are unmasked, ignore masked instances

  • selection order - after applying the above rules, apply the shortcut to the first or last instance remaining

These rules are also used when clicking and dragging on the histogram to change exposure.