darktable page lede image
darktable page lede image


User manual version and applicable darktable version are listed below:

  version date
user manual 3.0.0 December 2019
darktable 3.0 December 2019

Translations of this manual to local languages are brought to you by Federico Bruni, Maurizio Paglia, Matteo Mardegan, Victor Lamoine, Michel Leblond, María Gracia Leandro, Pierre Metzner, Christian Kanzian, Wolfgang Arndt, Łukasz Karcz, Artur Mercik and Edgar De la Luz.

Many thanks to all contributors to this user manual. Special thanks for proof reading, style improvement, constructive criticism, and valuable contributions go to Colin Adams, Mark Garrow, Simon Harhues, István Kovács, Jean-Luc Coulon, Rudolf Martin, Ammon Riley, Rob Z. Smith, Andrew Toskin, and David Vincent-Jones.